On Monday morning,
9-29, we headed for another game drive at Lake Manyara.
to the wildlife seen the previous afternoon, we spotted
many “velvet monkeys” (black face, long tail, and bright blue “balls” on the
males to attract the
females! - Video), impala, scores of gazelle (the frisky little Thompson and the larger
Grant gazelle), mongoose (banded and slender), Dik-diks (they mate for life),
and many birds, incl. helmeted guinea fowl, ground hornbill, superb starling,
African spoonbill and African fish eagle.
lunch at the hotel, we headed out to our next stop – Ngorongoro Crater. The two
“highway” is still under construction, so the drives are bumpy
and dusty since
the area is very dry this time of year ( Video). Tanzania has a 3-year plan to have
the main routes paved – but the only completed
section in this area runs from Arusha to Lake Manyara . Again,
we passed many very
poor settlements without water or electricity – covered by dust kicked up from
the roads. Everywhere you see people walking or riding bicycles along the dirt
roads, with women carrying incredibly heavy loads on their heads, including huge
buckets of water. Needless to say, we never saw an overweight person among the
arrived at the hotel – Ngorongoro Serena – in time to shower and dre
for dinner. Since we were staying for two nights, it was nice to finally have a
chance to unpack and shake out our smashed clothing!…
but we started to wonder why we brought bathing suits, etc…. since virtually no time was built into our tour schedule for
relaxing!... The lodge was built into the side of the crater,
with a stone camouflage that made it almost impossible to view from the
surrounds. The rooms were furnished decorated in the
native style, including hand painted murals on the
walls. In the lounge we met up with 8 Americans from Philadelphia, Delaware
and D.C., who were returning from a trip from the Maasai Mara where they had
witnessed the migration and “carnage” of the animals
crossing the Mara river… wildebeest and zebra attacked by crocodiles and hippos
as seen in National Geographic specials! The reports of sights and smells did
not entice yours truly… but Paul was fascinated! He was also excited to meet
the grandson of Baseball Hall of Famer, Eddie Collins. We
joined the group for dinner --- a wonderful evening!
Ngorongoro crater is “the planet’s largest unflooded caldera, or sunken volcano
crater. Formed a million years ago, the caldera floor is 105 square miles in
size. The next day was a full-day
game drive with picnic lunch, where we were able to witness the huge variety of
that are “residents” in this incredible crater… (These animals, as well as those
met in the Lake Manyara region and some in the
Serengeti, do not migrate, but stay in the local region. They are free to roam
out of the boundaries, but generally continue to populate their areas in
“breeding herds”, “bachelor herds”, prides, troops, etc… or just as couples that
mate for life!.) In the Ngorongoro
crater we first spotted a lone lion
(possibly expelled from a pride) with his kill – and after he had his “fill”,
the spotted hyena and jackals took over fighting for the rest – amazing!… We
also saw
an incredible number of zebra ( Video), wildebeest
(Video), cape buffalo, hartebeest (antelope
that are
the fastest runners) a serval cat, hippos, and lots more gazelles. Birds
spotted were kori bustard (heaviest flying bird
in Africa), the crown crested crane (Uganda’s
national bird – a beauty!), the black bellied bustard, golden weaver, black
kite, black-headed heron, sacred ibis, cattle egrets, African jacana,
black-winged stilt, flamingos (“greater and lesser”), vultures and ostrich!
This place is a bird-watcher’s paradise, but our binoculars were inadequate at
eight hours of game drives and a brief picnic lunch, we were ready to head back
to the hotel. Zablon was disappointed that we
had not be able to spot the rare black rhinos that are only found in the crater
(about 16 of them) – but we were delighted with the huge variety of animals
spotted in this very full day, made special by his ability as a naturalist to
give us ongoing lessons about the animal behaviors. After a shower, dinner and
the chore of re-packing, we collapsed for much needed sleep.
Wednesday, October 1st, we headed out right after breakfast for a
long drive to the Serengeti, with two stops along the way. The first was at
Oldupai Gorge, the famous
site where Louis and Mary Leaky discovered a 1.7 million-year-old fossil skull
believed to be “earliest man.” The little museum and the views of the digs
were interesting. As we approached the Serengeti, we
stopped at a Massai village where, for a fee ($50. per car!) we met with the
has 10 wives, 44 children, and 22
grandchildren! The Massai have wisely discovered the
value of tourism,
and many villages currently welcome visitors. The women and young men both
danced and sang for us (Video), then the chief took us and one of his wives into her
“mud” hut home, which SHE made from sticks
and grass, covered by a thick layer
of cow dung, which dries solid for waterproofing. It was so tiny that you
couldn’t stand up, but we sat on the two beds (wooden frames covered with a cow
hide) and talked
before the small dying open fire used for cooking. Then, of course, it was
time to go “shopping” for some of the jewelry displayed
around the village, before we ended our visit with a stop at the “kindergarten”,
where the little ones counted in English for us. It was a poignant
experience. These people have a proud history as herdsmen (you see them walking
miles to take their cows and sheep for water twice a day). They are happy and
polite, and now it is mandated that the children go to school – quite a
logistical problem!
stop – the central Serengeti, where our home for one night was the Serengeti
Serena Lodge. We had a late lunch and a very brief
rest before heading out for our afternoon game drive. No rest for the weary!
The Serengeti plains were quite different, but we saw many of the same animals,
with the addition of Topi, Goliath heron, tawney eagle, red buck and the hits of
the day – two leopards! One was well hidden in the tall grasses, but
I looked into his eyes through the binoculars, and it
was hypnotizing. The other one was fast asleep in a tree (Video). What
a beautiful cat!
We also saw many
lions,including a dinner table dispute between the king and two of his
harem. Although the ladies had brought the kill (a young zebra) to the table,
the male got quite upset when they tried to take a bite, and he roared and
swiped at them after throwing the carcass up in the air. Quite a loud
spectacle! We also saw another lioness close to our car on the prey for zebra…
but her quest was foiled when she flushed a little dik-dic from the bushes, who
proceeded to warn the zebra. They ran away and she was downcast… Amazing, and
we have the whole thing on video (Video)! It was a spectacular game drive. After
dinner and a “show” by local acrobats and drummers, we fell into bed before
another early wake-up call!
morning, Oct. 2nd, we left the Lodge after breakfast for a game drive
on our way to the final stop in the western Serengeti. During this drive we
spotted the following new animals and birds: three Cheetah lounging under a
tree, Giant crocodile (Video), waterbucks, blacksmith plover, white-backed vultures, and
a huge African marsh eagle with its kill (a bab
warthog) – which Paul was able to film in flight – spectacular ( Video)! We also got to
see a huge family of elephants with many small
babies trying to huddle together in the shade of a tree right beside the road (Video)…
and a pride of four lionesses and eight cubs that crossed the road right in
front of our jeep (Video)! The Serengeti is an amazing place – almost the size of the
state of Connecticut, with the National Park encompassing 3,646,500 acres, with
altitude from 3000 to 6000 feet. The central and southern portions are
primarily grassy plains and it becomes more wooded in the western part along the Grumeti River.
arrived at the Kirawira Tented Camp in time for a late lunch and soon discovered
why Zablon said that this place was the “best!” (Video). The “tents” were l
– raised to provide
an incredible view of the valley, with large porches, beautiful furnishings, and
a five-star bathroom! (There was even a hairdryer in the dressing table.) The lounge/bar and the restaurants were also in huge
tents – beautifully furnished with soft lighting. The food here was the best
on the trip – all made to order, with outstanding service. We really regretted
that we didn’t have more time to relax here in “One of the Great Small Hotels of
the World!”
But we were on a safari – not a lounging trip – so we headed out for another game
drive, where we saw a ganet cat, white bellied bustard, gray-headed kingfisher,
little bee eaters, white headed buffalo, long-crested eagle, and rocks hyrax.—in
addition to our old friends the giraffe (Video), zebras, gazelles, baboons, etc. It was
a great day, which ended with a glorious shower, a wonderful meal, coffee and Bailey’s on the porch, and our first night sleeping
among the sounds of
nearby animals…. We were awakened in the middle of the
night by a crash, and when Paul got up to investigate, it turned out that
we had had a visitor in our tent, who was now on the
porch! It looked like a fox, with pointed head and long, fluffy tail – but
apparently is a rather harmless creature, whose name I can’t remember. We had
been left a welcome plate with an apple, a banana, passion fruit and cookies,
and he apparently was able to sneak in through the small opening (which we
hadn’t zipped up tight!) and was trying to take the whole plate out with him –
got it to the tent door with all the fruit still on the plate – but couldn’t
pull the plate through the opening and it crashed to the floor, which woke us!
Silly animal – should have just grabbed the apple and gotten out of there!
Anyway, after we regained our composure and firmly zipped the tent, we heard him
scratching the canvas later that night trying to get back in! Just part of the
Oct. 3rd, was our last full day in the Serengeti. We decided on just
a short game drive that morning because we had made special requests of Zablon –
we wanted to have lunch in a local restaurant, eat native food, and see Lake
Victoria. (instead of the planned
drive).. and we wanted to take Saturday morning off to “relax!”. We headed out
early after a light breakfast, and soon spotted a Lion and
lioness “on their honeymoon”…Lions mate every 20 minutes or so the first 3 days
the female is in heat… then continue, but less
often, for 3 more days round the clock (to insure conception)!
was fascinating to watch the behavior – with the lioness definitely calling the
shots – until the act was completed
(in about 5 seconds)! We enjo
seeing lots of our old grazing and browsing friends on the western, wooded and
grassy areas, and then wandered along the Grumeti River spotting many Nile
crocodile and hippos – some posing, some “kissing and romancing”, and some just
rolling around in the water (Click for Video). They were huge and a bit scary, since we had
gotten out of the jeep for a closer look! Apparently three park rangers were
killed by crocodiles recently, so they definitely are to be taken seriously – as
many animals experience during the migration.
returned to the camp for a brief rest, then headed out for our final adventure
outside the Serengeti borders. After driving about an hour, we arrived at a the
local restaurant along the main road near Lake Victoria, no
far from the park entrance gates (unfortunately, I did not write down the
name!). Zablon ordered for us, then we performed the ritual of hand-washing
(the waitress brings a bowl with a large bar of soap and pours
warm water from a pitcher as you wash your hands) – delightful! The meals,
which we shared, consisted of 2 grilled local tilapia platters with a mountain
of French fries, vegetables and a small slaw salad, and a platter of beef stew,
vegetables, and “stiff porridge” – which you eat with your hands. It was
accompanied by wonderful spicy sauces, and washed down by the local beers (and
cokes for Zablon). The food was delicious – the fish crispy, moist and
flavorful – pulled up by strips by hand – and the stew rich and tender – eaten
with a flattened ball of stiff porridge. After lunch, we repeated the
hand-washing ritual. The bill, with 3 full meals, 4 beers, and 2 cokes came to
$16.70. Unbelievable – yet many of the villagers could never afford to eat
there. It’s popular with African travelers coming to or from Kenya, immediately
north of here (Click for Video).
Our next
stop was a local fishing village on the shores of Lake Victoria (the largest
lake in
Africa, with more than half of its coastline as part of Tanzania’s western
border). On the way, we drove through a small
village on market day, with countless people walking miles to do their
shopping. The fishing village, Mwabulungu, is self-sufficient – but painfully
poor. They fish for both local “eating” fish and sardines, which are dried in
the sun (or roasted on open fires for quick drying) and processed as pet food or
fertilizer. The wooden boats and sails (made from the sardine bags) are
handmade. So are the mud bricks, which are fired in the hand-made local
kiln. They have some cows and goats, and sell items from little storefront
shops to earn money for other foods. Again – no electricity, running water,
paved roads, etc. These people would not be able to afford lunch in the place
20 kilometers up the road.
We headed
back to camp for our last night in Africa… saddened to see
adventure coming to an end. We were also very disappointed to learn that we
would not be able to relax in
the camp the next morning, because the Grumeti airstrip, where we were scheduled
to fly back to Arusha, was under renovation – so we had to leave at 7:00 AM to
drive back to the central Serengeti airstrip to pick up a plane there. Bummer…
Anyway, we had an enjoyable last evening at Kirawira camp… a delicious dinner
with Zablon as our guest… and countless wonderful memories….
The drive
back to central Serengeti was pleasant, with all of our favorite animal friends
up to say goodbye…and we had a brief stop at the visitor center near the
airstrip. We arrived in plenty of time for our
10:40 flight…. Which turned out to be 2 hours late (!), as we fried in the baking sun! Anyway,
we got back to Arusha safely, were met by our new
driver Steve, and returned to
the Mountain View at 3:00 (after a stop at the
Cultural Center to pick up my earrings) where we were given a day room for a
needed shower and supper before heading to the airport at 6:00 for a very long
journey overnight and all next day home… arrived in Amsterdam at 8:00 AM, left
for Dulles at 11:30 --- got to Dulles at 2:30 (gaining 6 hours)… and finally
home to Baltimore by ~ 6:00! Whew! (About 30 hours from the Serengeti to
There are more pictures in the "Photo
Album" section. The scenery was unbelievable!
As we
relive our trip by looking at videos and photos, we still feel that this was
probably our most unique and fascinating vacation/adventure. We learned SO
much! Africa is the second largest continent – almost 12 million square miles
(the continental US, China, Europe, India, Argentina and New Zealand would fit
inside its borders!)… Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa – twice the
size of the state of California – with bountiful natural resources, impressive
conservation areas & game parks, a fascinating culture, and beautiful people.
We had opportunities to meet many local people – something we cherish when we
travel. Our hearts were heavy with the poverty and struggling we witnessed –
yet we were inspired by the determination and joy displayed by the younger
generation in search of education and a better future for themselves and their
country. Seeing so many wonderful animals in their natural habitat was
incredible – but that was only a part of the “safari” for us. We felt welcome,
in spite of the poverty, and it was genuine. Several people told me that the
people of Tanzania look at white people as their “candles of hope”, which goes
back to the days of the white missionaries. (Interestingly, may of the natives
attend the Lutheran church, which goes back to the German colonization from 1865
to 1918.) They told us that when the missionaries came, they built a church, a
school, and a hospital, which helped their people. Even today that is
happening – for on the plane ride home we met the President & CEO of St.
Joseph’s Hospital here in Baltimore and his parents representing their church in
Virginia, who are assisting a local village in Tanzania develop schools and
healthcare opportunities for the disabled. (They’ve been back several times
this year working on this project!) Developing tourism is also a major goal for
this young country, and we hope that the world terror situation (especially
relating to neighboring Kenya and the State Department warnings) will not
deprive them of this wonderful opportunity to share the natural wealth and
beauty for the benefit of all. The paving of roads will make the safari routes
quicker and more comfortable, but we were relieved to know that Tanzania does
plan to limit the number of vehicles allowed in an area (unlike some areas in
Kenya, per our guides). We enjoyed comfortable, safe accommodations (at a
cost, but worth it), and relished the game drive adventures in our 4-wheeled
vehicle. Our driver/guide/naturalist was outstanding, and we consider him our
friend – welcome in our home with his family at any time. The Park East Tour
arrangements were excellent – although the local in-country flights were not
Soooo…. What would we do differently if we could do it again?…. We would allow a
little more time to relax between locations… perhaps adding another 2 days to
the itinerary, so that one could have a truly “free” morning or afternoon every
few days.. Or perhaps a little beach relaxing in lovely Zanzibar before
returning to the states….(Paul would skip the village tour – I would recommend
it to “first timers”) We would skip the shopping on arrival & leave a stop at
the end of the tour. That way, one could drive to Mountain Village for a
leisurely dinner and night and leave early the next morning to drive to Lake
Manyara or Tarangire National Park. Paul is eager to return to see the
migration, including the River Grumeti crossing. I would prefer to skip the
carnage, but would love to return to Tanzania – maybe I’ll try the pool for a
change instead of witnessing the water crossing! We’re tentatively looking at
a return trip in June of 2005 and encourage anyone reading this to consider a
trip to this fascinating part of the world.